Monday, September 10, 2018

I'm Back.......

Its been awhile since I last "Blogged" and I thought I would be back with a new idea.
Since I last wrote my life has been pretty boring. Two of the three boys are back in school, I still have my sign business(that I love), my husband works full-time and goes hunting on the weekend, we hardly see each other anymore and my oldest wants to join the Marines(So Proud). See nothing too exciting, I don't know how to make my life as a stay at home mom interesting. Plus I see so many things on Facebook about moms raising boys and what I read, that's my my life. What's new to report??
So I started thinking of something new, something I could share my finds, or thoughts, or whatever and one thing came to mind that I LOVE to do, is garage saleing.
I love a good bargain. I love getting things for cheap instead of paying full cost in the store, I love finding name brand things cheap, I love the thrill of the find. I love to thrift.
Garage Sales every weekend with my mom is the highlight of my week but during the week its thrift stores anywhere I can find one. Saturday mornings are my favorite though. I wake up around eight, get ready like normal with the kids and I get to my mom's house around nine and then we start the sales. We usually go to as much as we can and for the past couple years we get picky. We know this town pretty well, we know where the good houses are or the NOT so good houses are. Depending on where we are we drive, we check it out with a drive by and we either stay or go. Sometimes we find the best and sometimes its a wash. Just this past weekend we started Saturday thrifting in the town south of us and I found a Coach four sided picture frame for five dollars. So cute and when I got home I looked it up and they go for over fifty dollars. SCORE!!!!
Sunday there where a few around town and we stopped at one in a pretty good area, that we actually visited before and I found a coach purse last time. This time I came across this vintage, brown, old looking bag and after I picked it up I looked inside and it was a Michael Kors. NO WAY!!!! I made sure the little serial number was in there and sure enough it was. I later went back and bought a Marc Jacobs red purse because at the time it didn't register to me the name. I bought those two purses for four dollars. The red one I looked up later and they where going for a hundred dollars on eBay. NO SHIT!!!!! I was in heaven. I decided to keep the brown Michael Kors because I had to clean it up and its a little worn. I just love the look because it looks real vintage.
But that's the stuff I look for. Our Goodwill and thrift stores around where I live aren't so great. I find things from time to time but never where I'm blown away. Garage Sales seem to be a little better then the stores.
Now the Garage Sale season is dwindling down so I will have to rely on the stores. But one thing I've been thinking about is selling the things I find worth selling on eBay or Amazon or Poshmark. Im just scared to do so. I don't want to screw up on something. I mean I try to sell my stuff around my town and some other towns but I don't feel like I am very successful with it. I'm going to do some research and maybe start it soon.
There is one thing that I really want to try but again my small town doesn't help, I want to dumpster dive. I watch these videos all the time and the stuff they find, I cant believe people throw away. I don't really have the area around here to do this because everyone knows everyone, so in a way its kind of embarrassing. So I have to pick my areas carefully.
So its only Monday and it sucks I have to wait five days till Saturday, the cool thing is there is supposed to be this big church sale somewhere south of me so we might go there. The garage sales get better and better the closer to the big city we get. I wont see garage sales posted around my area until about Thursday or Friday or even Saturday. So now I just save my money, don't spend so much this week so I have money this Saturday.
Thrift to you tomorrow.

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