Thursday, August 2, 2018

My introduction

I've wanted to start a blog for awhile now but didn't really know what to write about. I researched and researched and it boiled down to what I'm "passionate about."
I love many things. I like to cook, but I just follow receipts, nothing special, I'm no Marth Stewart. I like to read but I never seem to have the time to finish it. The one thing I love is crafting, its my passion. I have a little side job where I make custom signs, but its not a full time job, like being a mom.
My two boys are my main passion and they have been for the past 6 years.
I'll give you a little brief description of them. They are both red heads, does that explain it all? My oldest is almost 7, about to start second grade and thinks he's a lot older than he is. My youngest is almost 4, this will probably be the last year he'll be with me before he goes off to school(I don't want to talk about it) and he is a total mimic of his older brother. They are the loves of my life but they drive me up the wall and back down it every single day.
Being a stay at home gives me chance to bond with my boys, go out on adventures, do crafts, cook with them, but seriously moms, who does that? Now I don't want to offend anyone who does take the time for these things and believe me I would love to do all those things every day but when my morning starts I am exhausted from the beginning and from the previous day. They wear me out!!!
From sun up it automatically starts with screaming at each other, its crying because the other one hit the other one, its begging for food, and that's all before noon. Sure, when its not hot outside we venture out. We go on walks, I take them to the park, go shopping(that's another crazy mess) whatever I can think of to keep them busy. But, once we get home its nap time, my favorite. Its my time for quite time...….but no one stays quite, no one stays in bed and I might get some quite time for the length of a movie, if I'm lucky.
Life as a stay at home mom isn't all bad, we do have our good days and I cherish them always. I think about when I wont have either one here and it makes me very sad. On one hand, my babies are growing up too fast and time is just flying by, but on the other hand thinking of the day when I have seven hours to myself, it doesn't sound too bad.

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